2014년 10월 28일 화요일

Revised law about sales of mobile devices in South Korea

Revised law about sales of mobile devices in South Korea


 Recently South Korea made newly revised law about sales and subsidies of mobiles devices (smartphones). In Korea we called this law Dantong law. It means law about mobile phone distribution structure. Before the time that this law became effective, some people bought mobile devices at low price and the other people bought the same devices at higher price because different people got the different amount of subsidies. The difference of devise price was over than 300,000 won in some cases. Consumers were discriminated against on age, place where they live or monthly subscription when they bought the new phone.

 Revised law made people able to be discriminated no longer. After this law took effect, everyone, regardless of their class and status, can be entitled to a subsidy no more than 300,000 won for purchases of device. Mobile carriers ware banned from posting exaggerated advertis

ement in which there are free phones but consumers were required to sign up for high subscription rates. But generally subsides decreased a lot after this law.

 The time until this law people can change their phones easily before their stipulated time period. But from now they are required to pay penalty for cancellation certainly. So people cannot change easily.
[Good points of law]

 Until now I told about newly revised law, Dantong law in Korean, which governs sales and subsidies of mobile devices. Let me evaluate this law. Above all l will write good points of this law. First, people will no longer be discriminated from prices of mobile devices with different subsidies. Everyone will buy the mobile devices at same prices. Second, people dont need to sign up for high subscription rates. Subsidies were different depending on their subscription rates. So people who wanted to more discounts had to pay high subscription rates. Third, only people who bought the new devices could get subsidies. But from now on everyone can get same subsidies regardless whether they will buy new devices or not.

[Bad points of law]

 At this time, I will write bad points of this law. First, people should meet stipulated time period or need to pay entire expensive penalty for cancellation. So people who want to change their devices cannot purchase other devices before stipulated time. Second, subsidies decreased. Before this law, different got the different subsidies. Now everyone get same subsidies. However, overall subsidies decreased. Before this law some people bought devices at cheap price. But nowadays everyone has to buy mobile devices at high price. How irrational it is! Revised law is for only mobile corporations. It made all people have to buy devices at high prices. I think that this law will be revised again soon later because it has big problems. So if you will buy new smartphone, how about postpone your plan to buy phone after law being revised. And you will buy at cheaper price.

Next are News in South Korea related to it.

통신사만 배불리는 단통법, 무엇이 문제?

Dantong law is only for mobile corporations. What is the problem?

단통법, 누구를 위한 ? 곳곳서 원성자자

Dantong law. For whom is it? There are plenty of resentment from people.

You can get more information below


댓글 3개:

  1. These days, revised law about sales of mobile devices is hot potato. Before i read this script, i don't know what it is in detail. But now I clearly understood. I also think that this law should be revised again soon. I can't understand why this law is established. If you explain the figure in detail, it is easier to understand.

  2. Right after the 'Dan Tong law', revised law of cell phone sales, published, I couldn't agree with the stance of gov. But after reading your writings, I could figure out what they try to mean. Your blog helped me a lot for understanding the objective of the law.

  3. I think this law has many problems that it is not for us, for producers actually. This situation made some happenings last week, like 'iphone war'. I think It need to be fixed in near future.
