2014년 10월 8일 수요일

Hand Pressure points

I put the hand picture to explain where is pressure points on the hand. I chose light blue color because this color has soft and understanding images. The images next to the sentences represents what section each points can help. I used the circle so that readers can focus on my contents. The arrows connects pictures with sentences so that readers can be easy to find where  the points are. If you want to get more information, I recommand a website. http://barbfullen.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/do-you-know-many-pressure-points-are-in-your-hand

댓글 5개:

  1. It is very interesting that hand pressure are very beneficial for body. Also this picture shows each points effectively. In the future, I will take hand pressure for myself. Thanks for letting us know the good information.

  2. Your Infograpic is real clear to understand about Hand pressure points. Used pictures also help me to understand quickly. But I think, If the pictures of other body parts are more bigger than this, It will be more easier to understand at a glance.

  3. It's very funny. I heard about that but your infographic makes it look clear. The color of background(blue) is good to see. and your link contains more information. Thank you for helpful teaching

  4. I think this infographic is containing very useful information. Because this picture is simple, I can recognize which point is concerned with our organ. Colors(light blue, the others) are also matching very well each other. But I think if images of our organs is bigger, it would be better to recognize what it is. Thank you for your useful information!

  5. why this map is different of sujok?
